Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pale Fire - a group of subversive pseudo-cupids

Here's one: The main character, a self-absorbed, apparently mentally unstable, and desperate man, a homosexual, a professor, comments on two ads from the "family magazine, Life,"
so justly named for its pudibundity in regard to the mysteries of the male sex; hence one can well imagine how startled or titillated those families were. … The second [advertizement] comes from the issue of March,28, 1949, p. 126, and advertises Hanes Fig Leaf Brief. It shows a modern Eve worshipfully peeping from behind a potted tree of knowledge at a leering young Adam in rather ordinary but clean underwear, with the front of his advertised brief conspicuously and compactly shaded, and the inscription reads: Nothing beats a fig leaf. (p115)

And just as your chuckle dies down a bit, at this comic, demented figure, pointing out what you might take as a peccadillo of modern culture, you read

I think there must exist a special subversive group of pseudo-cupids--plump hairless little devils whom Satan comissions to make disgusting mischief in sacrosanct places. (p115)

Well, I agree. Deep inside, I agree. Do you? Can you dismiss this man? Make sport of him?

[You may have to look up 'pudibundity'. I did: Prudish. Shy or strict in behavior.

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